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We Know Auto Insurance

When you get behind the wheel, you need to be sure that you have complete insurance coverage to protect your vehicle, yourself, your passengers, and others on the road, in the event of an accident. At Prime Insurance, we explain your mandatory and optional insurance options and recommend the right coverage amounts for you.


Call us for Autoplan renewal and we can have it delivered to your home or office in just 30 minutes in Surrey, Langley, Delta, Port Moody and White Rock. And in under an hour to the rest of the lower mainland. Call now!

Prime Insurance Centre Ltd

Auto Insurance Coverage

At Prime Insurance, we are auto insurance experts. And we know how important it is to have adequate coverage for vehicle damage and liability. Since 1994, we have been helping drivers choose the coverage that is right for them. We have earned a reputation for excellence and a wide-ranging client base across British Columbia. Contact us today for a free, no-obligation quote for your auto insurance needs.

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